Turning fallen logs into treasures: John Cobb

Originally from Seattle and a graduate of the University of Washington, John now lives in Marin County just north of San Francisco. Like so many artists and craftsmen, he has worked in several media, and his experience in ceramics, furniture-making, and wood sculpture has contributed in many ways to the wood-turning practice he has focused on exclusively since 2010.

The Bay Area's mild climate provides ideal growing conditions for hundreds of tree species including dark walnut, black acacia, bay laurel, madrone, olive, and many others whose wood features remarkable tones and figuring. All of the wood John uses is reclaimed from arborist wood piles, which contain the remains of once spectacular trees that were removed because they were damaged or presented safety concerns. The usual destination of this wood is a landfill or fireplace.

John spends hours each week climbing through these wood piles to search for logs that have incredible artistic potential hidden beneath the bark. Sometimes he finds just one special piece, sometimes he finds a trailer load - it all goes back to his wood shop. There he creates unique hollow forms, bowls, and vessels designed to highlight the beautiful grain and colors found only in select types of wood.

His one-of-a-kind pieces of functional art will grace the homes of their fortunate owners for many years! 


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